Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nuclear energy in South- East Asia ?

Following the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong gave assurances that even as Singapore moves towards nuclear energy, its feasibility will first be studied.( TODAY NEWSPAPER 2 May 2010)

What is nuclear energy?
It is energy that is produced when the nucleus of an atom is divide or join to another nucleus.

Countries in SEA are thinking about using nuclear energy as an alternative energy source due to low cost and carbon free emissions. But why nuclear energy ?
There are other kinds of alternatives like Geo-thermal energy which is using the heat inside the earth to generate energy.Geo-thermal power is cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, but is limited to areas near tectonic plate boundaries. Countries like Indonesia and Vietnam could use such technology as they are located near the boundaries.

Indonesia recently got approval to build the first nuclear power plant. The reason for it is that 'Indonesia can no longer rely on non-renewable energy sources such as gas and coal to generate electricity in future,' the chairman of the parliamentary commission for energy, technology and the environment, Mr Teuku Riefky Harsya, said in a statement. (Straits Times 17 march 2010)
I think a lot of people would agree to the statement as non-renewable energy is depleting at an alarming rate. Governments around the world are looking for alternative sources. But is nuclear energy the best option?

Safety is one of the factor considered in building nuclear power plant.
The worst nuclear accident to date was the Chernobyl disaster which occurred in 1986 in Ukraine. That accident killed 50 people directly, and may cause as many as 4,000 additional cases of fatal cancer over time, as well as damaging almost $7 billion of property. Radioactive fallout from the accident concentrated over or near Belarus, Ukraine and Russia and at least 350,000 people were forcibly resettled away from these areas. Even thought the new designs are better, there is no guarantee that problems would not happen.

If the government were to build one, land will be a limitation. The construction cost will also be an issues, as it is typical for the cost to overruns. People says that it is clean energy where no carbon dioxide is produce. But when we look at it as a whole, carbon dioxide are being produces by mining of land, construction of the building and transporting of materials.

Countries should also consult with each other to reassure their neighbours that their plans meet the highest standards of safety in design, construction and operation.

TO HAVE OR NOT TO HAVE? This depends on the government to make the right decision :)


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